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Ariel Arrieta se va pero no mucho de FOX Networks

Finalmente el otro fundador de Digital Ventures se va de FOX pero en forma medio tímida…. mientras Damián Voltes se fué definitivamente para fundar Patagonia Ventures Ariel se queda en un cargo de Asesor Senior de Tecnología…. o lo que esto quiera significar ¿mi opinión? Ganan ambos, FOX mantiene la cabeza de Ariel en la empresa y Ariel libertad para hacer cosas más divertidas que una multinacional pero con el respaldo de la misma :)

El press release, blah blah, a continuación:


Los Angeles, CA, June 29, 2009 – .Fox Networks, a Fox International Channels and News Corporation company, reported today Ariel Arrieta is transitioning into a senior advisory role.

Ariel Arrieta co-founded in 2003 Digital Ventures (aka Directa Networks), and InZearch (search engine marketing) and grew the business to become one of the leading Ad Networks in Latin America. Both companies were acquired by Fox International Channels in July 2007

Hernan Lopez, President of .Fox Networks said, “Ariel’s ability to see around corners has helped Fox provide a technical platform that has helped deliver a competitive solution for our clients. His launch and stewardship of mediaLab, our internal emerging technology development team, has delivered continual enhancements to our product’s performance. He has also played a key role shaping the international expansion strategy for our ad network. We are very grateful for his many contributions since the acquisition of Directa and we look forward to his continued support in the planning and development of our technology roadmap.”

“Becoming part of the Fox family and using these resources to build upon the initial technology platform we developed at Directa is a tremendous source of pride and accomplishment for me”, said Ariel Arrieta. “By taking advantage of the strengths of both companies, we have been able to achieve extraordinary growth and deliver substantial value to our shareholders”.

Regarding his future, Ariel said, “I’m really excited about pursuing new opportunities in the new media space. I’m also quite happy that I will continue to play an important role defining the technology strategy for .Fox Networks.”

2 respuestas a “Ariel Arrieta se va pero no mucho de FOX Networks”

  1. Ariel Arrieta Avatar

    Mil gracias Mariano!!!

    Coincido y ese fue espiritu del acuerdo.

    Un abrazo,

  2. Andres Alterini Avatar

    Felicitaciones Ariel! Indudablemente se nota que es lo que siempre quisiste! éxitos en esta nueva etapa.

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Denken Über es un blog donde escribo acerca de tecnología y algunas observaciones sobre emprender, invertir y cosas en general. He usado demasiados sombreros en mi vida como emprendedor, inversor, corporativo pero escribir ayuda a pensar un poco más.