Denken Über

Un simple weblog


La economía móvil va mutando a la de la web

Excelente rant de Fred Wilson, no porque sea novedoso en si sino por la claridad con la que expresa la lógica del cambio en el mundo móvil:

I do not believe that Apple’s model is going away. And I think Apple will remain an important and leading mobile platform for a long long time. But their period of being “the mobile platform” is ending and it is important to understand what that means.

I think it means the mobile is slowly but surely moving to a web model. And as that happens, it is important to think of it as one big web and lots of devices and software accessing it. Lots of devices means billions of devices accessing largely free content and applications with advertising and freemium and commerce and virtual goods and many other business models generating trillions of dollars for developers. Just like the web, but even bigger and more exciting.

Una respuesta a “La economía móvil va mutando a la de la web”

  1. Leandro Avatar

    Con esto “generating trillions of dollars for developers” me alegraste el día. jajaja

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Denken Über es un blog donde escribo acerca de tecnología y algunas observaciones sobre emprender, invertir y cosas en general. He usado demasiados sombreros en mi vida como emprendedor, inversor, corporativo pero escribir ayuda a pensar un poco más.